Saturday, April 28, 2012

Happy 6th Anniversary GGJ :*

There aren't much time for meeting often, but always have little times for seeing each other, even just say hello or doing nothing. This day is our anniversary day, yup, exactly 6th GGJ's Anniversary on april, 21st. Maybe, it isn't a special day for u, but is truly very special day for us, GGJ. We just celebrate the day. yippiiii..

Friendship is ours. It was beginning from us who don't know each other and blooming to know each other, care for one another and look out for each other . In a deep understanding between us just opening up about personal things, listening carefully, and being loyal to one another.

Maybe some people come into our lives and quikcly go, some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts. But, they are never, ever the same. They always there for me, they are needed both for joy and for sorrow of me. I love being a part of us. We are good friends and we always be, GGJ :)

 Just celebrating our day together[ minus uli n' nanad :( ]
Ngumpul di Gading ujung-ujungnya makan ramen lagii ramen lagiii.. LOL

 Niat photobooth tapi malah photobox, (again) -___-'

And these are our crew : 
Nanul a.k.a rina apriani - Mpam a.k.a pamela ratnasari - Hele (vice president) a.k.a Helena Ambarita - Ajep (me) a.k.a nurlisa purnama - Bebeh a.k.a febbie nizda - Ulii a.k.a yulia andriani - nanad a.k.a nadya sekar fury

Sebenernya satu lg ada bebotz a.k.a Kristina, tp ud long time no see.. lg sibug kedokteran, jd aku gag punya potonya. Ada, tp jadul banged, dan bareng2 waktu aku blom berhijab. Nanti klo uda dapet di share yah.. Kali ini, kita minus yulia yang lagi di antah berantah (read: Kampung inggris) buat nimba ilmu dan memperdalam bahasa inggrisnya. hehe. Dan si nanad lg asik kondangan sodaranya bareng emak bapaknya.. Si bebotz lg super duper sibuk. Next time must COMPLETE! Love u GGJ. :*
Let see...
uli @Bromo
 Ini salah satu kegiatannya si uli di Pare (kampung inggris), belajar sambil jalan-jalan muluu. haha. Keren yah potonya:)

Quotes: "The rain may be falling hard outside, But your smile makes it all alright. 
I'm so glad that you're my friend. I know our friendship will never end."
- Robert Alan -
photo edited by me (nurlisa purnama)

Don't allow to copy or paste this pic' without any permission


  1. Aahhhh friendship never end, Aku juga ada tapi ga smpe punya organisasi kyk gtu ber4 dari tk sd smp sma sama2 trs, nih kuliahnya aku aja yg terlempar sendiri, haha, kamu keren smpe ada vice presidentnya salut o(‾^‾)o

  2. aaaah makasiiih yaaa afifa.. ayo di bikin lg donk sama temen2nyaaa... :)

    1. Hihiiii iya syg, tapi akunya di mkassar mereka ber3 di palu.. Next kalo plg kmpung deh hihii :)
      I'd follow you to :*

    2. okey dear, i'll see then on ur new post yaa... :)


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